Mié. Mar 12th, 2025

I have been in Barcelona DevOps Days 10th and 11st of October and I want to share some thoughts about the topics that we have discussed there.

My favourite presentation was «The DevOps Pay Raise: Quantifying Your Value to Move Up the Ladder»  by Tom Levey, an amazing speaker.

In this presentation he explains how to show the benefits to DevOps culture inside the company in a understandable way for business people (money). I keep in my mind some kpis that he showed us to correlate between them and show how a bad performance of a site  (that is a in the most of the cases consequence of a bad management of development, deployment, test and release process)  can impact in your benefits and how in the 95% of the cases for example a bad time response because errors from a bad release causes lower revenues from the site that means less benefits.


Another useful and interesting presentation was «Devops road at Tuenti» by Oscar San José and Victor García about how they have developed and implemented some tools that are driving DevOps culture inside the company, making easy for developers to deploy and test their code, providing information about all stages and ensuring higher code quality by automating testing and other tedious, risky tasks, such as code versioning, tagging, build and distribution to app markets. Also helps Product Owners to track the lifecycle of a feature and everything can be tracked from the same place by everyone in the company.


For people that are working in a non-IT company and wants to introduce the DevOps culture I recommend strongly the presentation «Even a classical retail company can go DevOps… With success»  by Sylvain Loubradou that explains the long and difficult way done in a classical and quite normal IT department in a classical company towards the DevOps philosophy.


And finally I have to recommend «The Enemies of Continuous Delivery» by  Isa Vilacides that showed us the keys to achieve a successful continuous delivery process with her very useful QA point of view that DevOps culture needs.


I want to stand out something that was very interesting but bad organised; the open spaces, where we have discussed about some hot topics as configuration management and SQL updates that in some cases are very difficult to automate in a reliable way.

About ignite talks I can tell you that it is a real challenge for speakers because they only had 5 minutes to explain 20 slides with 15 seconds per slide. Take a look to «Poka­yoke and DevOps» by Ulf Månsson.


I can tell you that these kind of events are a must for exchange knowledge and discover some things that can improve a lot our day-to-day work and the performance of our business.

Finally I want to thank a lot all of the effort made by Rhommel Lamas and all of the sponsors (http://www.strsistemas.comhttp://www.moritz.comhttp://www.rakuten.co.jphttp://www.ca.com/es/lpg/appvelocity/home.aspxhttp://www.tid.eshttp://www.3scale.net, http://www.github.com) by make possible this event to Spain for the first time.

See you in the next DevOps days!

0 comentario en “Highlights about Barcelona DevOps Days 2013”
  1. Hi Juan, I have only just discovered your blog form the DevOpsDays event last year. I am glad you liked the presentation I gave on the quantifying the value of devops.
    I hope to see you at another devops event soon 🙂

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